1.1 Project Template

Why project templates: https://chendaniely.github.io/sdal/2017/05/30/project_templates/

Other resources:

project/             # the project/code repository
|- data/             # raw and primary data, are not changed once created
|  |
|  +- *project_data/ # subfolder that links to an encrypted data storage container
|  |  |                    note that nothing here is in the git repository
|  |  |                    it's just a shortcut (i.e., link) to a different folder
|  |  |- original/   # raw data, will not be altered
|  |  |- working/    # intermediate datasets from src code
|  |  +- final/      # final datasets used for analysis/models/plots
|  |
|  +- more_data/     # some projects will need multiple links
|- src/              # any programmatic code
|  |- analysis1/     # user1 assigned to the project
|  +- analysis2/     # user2 assigned to the project
|- R/                # functions
|- tests/            # unit tests
|- output            # all output and results from workflows and analyses
|  |- figures/       # graphs, likely designated for manuscript figures
|  |- pictures/      # diagrams, images, and other non-graph graphics
|  +- analysis/      # generated reports for (e.g. rmarkdown output)
|- README.md         # the top level description of content
|- .gitignore        # git ignore file
|- project.Rproj     # RStudio project
|- DESCRIPTION       # Description file to repo into R package, if applicable
+- Makefile          # Makefile, if applicable