Jupyter + Quarto

Many external Python IDEs will require jupyter and/or the ipykernel. If you are working in a Virtual Environment, you may need to both jupyter and ipykernel into your venv virtual environment.


It’s important that you understand how virtual environments work in this context:

The python, jupyter, ipykernel, etc that you use within a virtual environment, is the version that was installed in that environment. When we call python or python3 in the context of a virtual environment (e.g., venv), only the packages installed in that virtual environment will be detected. This is a common issue to check if you end up with a ModuleNotFoundError, when using other tools.

If you have packages you need from another environment, you have to install them again in the environment you want to use them in as well.

You can install these dependencies with pip (remember to do this within a virtual environment).

pip install jupyter ipykernel

1 IDEs

The IDE section covered how to make sure you are using the correct python interpreter or environment so it can properly use IPython Kernel for Jupyter to run your Python code with the packages you have installed in a particular environment.

2 Quarto

Jupyter is one of the execution backend engines that Quarto uses to execute code and capture its output. You can get started with Quarto by installing it here: https://quarto.org/docs/get-started/.

Quarto has a series of Guides as well to help with different outputs. Specifically, there is a Using Python guide in the Quarto guide.

2.1 Quarto Check

You can make sure your current quarto environment has all required Python and Jupyter components by running quarto check jupyter. You want to confirm that the section on Checking Python 3 installation and Checking Jupyter engine render do not tell you that jupyter is missing.

% quarto check jupyter
Quarto 1.4.383
[✓] Checking Python 3 installation....OK
      Version: 3.12.0
      Path: /Users/danielchen/Desktop/my_python_project/venv/bin/python3
      Jupyter: 5.4.0
      Kernels: pfe_book, ds, ir, dsci100, python3

[✓] Checking Jupyter engine render....OK

You can also run quarto check without any other parameters if you want to check all the components of your Quarto setup.

2.2 Quarto YAML

Quarto documents have a YAML header that specifies various option keys of the current document. One of the more important options when working with Python + Quarto is to set the jupyter as a top-level key to the python3 value.

title: "Example Quarto Document"
format: html
jupyter: python3

The jupyter: python3 option tells Quarto that when it uses python3 to run the python code, it is the current python3 in the environment Quarto was called in.


When rendering a quarto document, it’s important to check which environment python3 will be running in. You should be running quarto (e.g., quarto render or quarto preview) in the same virtual environment as your project.